Ball House

Ball House

Ball House

Magnificent on the inside, plain on the outside

The rather plain exterior of the small building directly next to Schloss Wilhelmshöhe palace is deceiving: on the inside, guests attending events there can still admire opulent room furnishings that date back to the time of the electors. Particularly impressive is the actual ballroom with its precious ceiling and wall murals.

A rather flamboyant personality commissioned the construction of the building as his personal court theatre over 200 years ago: Jérôme Bonaparte, Napoleon's youngest brother, ruled Hesse-Kassel for a short while from 1807 onwards when the state was occupied by the French. The citizens of Kassel referred to him as the "Jolly King"; he partied every evening. However, the building's magnificent interior design was only added a few years later, under the rule of William II, Elector of Hesse. He used it primarily as a ballroom.

The building now regularly functions as a venue for concert series and readings. It can also be hired for private or corporate events.

Visitor Information

The Ball house is only open for special events.


Hessen Kassel Heritage
Schlosspark 5
34131 Kassel

+49 (0)561 316 80-160

Visitor service
+49 (0)561 316 80-123


  • Wheelchair accessible
    (Mobile seating and wheelchairs available).
  • Service Dogs welcome
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